Budaya Mengantri

Mengantri merupakan hal membosankan yang sangat sering kita lakukan. Saat melakukan pembayaran di kasir, menggunakan toilet umum, dan sebagainya. Antrian dilakukan agar menjaga kedisiplinan. Namun, di Indonesia sendiri kesadaran masyarakat terhadap budaya antri masih sangat minim. Masih banyak kita temui orang-orang yang menyerobot antrian karena malas menunggu, buru-buru, tanpa rasa malu. Di negara-negara maju khususnya budaya mengantri sangat dijunjung tinggi. Mereka tanpa segan menegur orang yang berusaha menyerobot antrian. Berbeda dengan masyarakat Indonesia yang masih malas menegur dan hanya membiarkannya.
Walaupun mengantri itu sendiri tidak tertera dalam peraturan tertulis yang bersifat hukum, namun  banyak sekali manfaat yang dapat dirasakan. Kenyamanan, ketertiban, dan bahkan membentuk kepribadian individu itu sendiri.  Di indonesia sering kita mendengar pembagian sembako atau zakat yang berakhir dengan ricuh dan menimbulkan korban jiwa. Orang-orang berdesakan saling sikut tidak mau mengalah sampai ada yang terinjak-injak, pingsan, dan berujung petaka. Padahal kalau antri diterapkan, maka akan menghindari hal-hal tersebut.
Di korea, bahkan naik bis pun harus mengantri, mereka dengan sabar tanpa mengumpat membentuk barisan rapi dan bergiliran masuk bis. Yang duluan datang maka mendapat barisan paling depan. Pemandangan yang sangat menyenangkan untuk dilihat.
Mari terapkan budaya antri untuk kenyamanan bersama. Kurangi ego demi kepentingan umum. Mulai tanamkan budaya antri pada anak sejak dini, dan kita akan melihat  perubahan seperti apa yang dapat dirasakan. Trims. Wassalamualaikum.

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Tugas Sofskill Bulan Keempat Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 37: Relative Clauses

  1. The last record thas was produced by this company became a gold record. 
  2. Checking accounts that reqire a minimum balane are very common now. 
  3. The professor to whom you spoke yesteray is no here today. 
  4. John who grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship. 
  5. Felipe bought a camera that has three lenses. 
  6. Frank is the man whom we are going to nominate for the office of treasurer. 
  7. The doctor is with a patient whose leg was broken in an accident. 
  8. Jane is the woman who is going to China next year. 
  9. Janet wants a typewriter whose self corrects. 
  10. This book that I found last week contains some useful information.
  11.  Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looksvery sad. 
  12. James wrote an article that indicated that he disliked the president. 
  13. The director of the programwho graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year. 
  14. This is the book that I have been looking for all year. 
  15. William, whose brother is a lawyer, wants to become a judge.

Exercise 38: Relative Clause Reduction

  1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention. 
  2. All of the money accepted has already been released. 
  3. The papers on the table belong to Patricia. 
  4. The man brought to the police station confessed tho the crime. 
  5. The girl drinking coffee is Mary Allen. 
  6. John’s wife, a proffesor,  has written several papers on this subject. 
  7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncle. 
  8. The book on the top shelf is the one that I need. 
  9. The number of students counted is quite high. 
  10. Leo Evans, a doctor, eats in this restaurant everyday.     

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Tugas Sofskill Bulan Ketiga Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 35: Passive Voice

  1. The president is called by someone everyday.
  2. The other members are being called by John.
  3. Mr Watson will be called by somebody tonight.
  4. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire.
  5. The supplies should be bought by the teacher for this class.

Exercise 36: Causative Verbs

  1. Leave
  2. Repair
  3. To type
  4. Call
  5. To paint
  6. Wrote
  7. Lie
  8. To send
  9. To cut
  10. To sign
  11. Leave
  12. To wash
  13. Fixed
  14. Published
  15. Find

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